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Forum Posts

Jun 22, 2022
In General Discussion
I recently completed an assignment for a course on pain and it has been the best and most evidence based course thus far in my studies, it embraces and introduces the biopsychosocial model well. So the assignment has a case study of a hypothetical chronic pain patient who is suffering from rheumoidarthritis and carpal tunnel syndrome that is preventing her from making handcrafts, and we were supposed to create a treatment plan for her. I thought that doing a graded exposure approach for handcrafts might be an good idea. At first finding a suitable entry point for doing handcrafts and then weekly progressing it by a couple of minutes or so might be a a good idea, and possibly examining if there are postures that might make symptoms show up faster and temporarily adjusting them if she is using them while doing handcrafts. There are other things that i would suggest her to try like exersice if she would be willing to try some mode of it be it resistance training or cardio. But i am most interested in the graded exposure to normal activities, what do you guys think would it seem like a sensible approach and does anyone have an idea or a paper that has suggestions for why it might work if it does? Does it ''re-educate'' the nervous system to be less sensitive to nosisception or might there another mechanism at play?


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